Source code for OpenSMOG

# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) - Rice University and Northeastern University
# This file is from the OpenSMOG project, released under the MIT License. 

The :class:`~.OpenSMOG` classes perform molecular dynamics using Structure-Based Models (SBM) for biomolecular simulations.
:class:`~.OpenSMOG` uses force fields generated by SMOG 2, and it allows the simulations of a wide variety of potential forms, including commonly employed C-alpha and all-atom variants.
Details about the default models in SMOG 2 can be found in the following resources:
    - **SMOG server**:
    - **C-alpha**: Clementi, C., Nymeyer, H. and Onuchic, J.N., 2000. Topological and energetic factors: what determines the structural details of the transition state ensemble and “en-route” intermediates for protein folding? An investigation for small globular proteins. Journal of molecular biology, 298(5), pp.937-953.
    - **All-Atom**: Whitford, P.C., Noel, J.K., Gosavi, S., Schug, A., Sanbonmatsu, K.Y. and Onuchic, J.N., 2009. An all‐atom structure‐based potential for proteins: bridging minimal models with all‐atom empirical forcefields. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 75(2), pp.430-441.

from import *
from simtk.openmm import *
from simtk.unit import *
import os
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import warnings
from lxml import etree
import sys
#from .OpenSMOG_Reporter import forcesReporter

[docs]class SBM: R""" The :class:`~.SBM` class performs Molecular dynamics simulations using structure-based models to investigate a broad range of biomolecular dynamics, including domain rearrangements in proteins, folding and ligand binding in RNA, and large-scale rearrangements in ribonucleoprotein assemblies. In its simplest form, a structure-based model defines a particular structure (usually obtained from X-ray, or NMR, methods) as the energetic global minimum. The :class:`~.SBM` sets the environment to start the molecular dynamics simulations. Args: time_step (float, required): Simulation time step in units of :math:`\tau`. collision_rate (float, required): Friction/Damping constant in units of reciprocal time (:math:`1/\tau`). r_cutoff (float, required): Cutoff distance to consider non-bonded interactions in units of nanometers. temperature (float, required): Temperature in reduced units. name (str): Name used in the output files. (Default value: :code:`OpenSMOG`). """ def __init__(self, time_step, collision_rate, r_cutoff, temperature, name = "OpenSMOG"): self.printHeader() = name self.dt = time_step * picoseconds if not time_step in [0.0005, 0.002]: print('[WARNING] The given time_step value is not the one usually employed in the SBM models. Make sure this value is correct. The suggested values are: time_step=0.0005 for C-alpha and time_step = 0.002 for All-Atoms.') self.gamma = collision_rate / picosecond if collision_rate != 1.0: print('[WARNING] The given collision_rate value is not the one usually employed in the SBM models. Make sure this value is correct. The suggested value is: collision_rate=1.0.') self.rcutoff = r_cutoff * nanometers if not r_cutoff in [3.0, 1.2]: print('[WARNING] The given r_cutoff value is not the one usually employed in the SBM models. Make sure this value is correct. The suggested values are: r_cutoff=3.0 for C-alpha and r_cutoff=1.2 for All-Atoms.') self.temperature = (temperature / 0.008314) * kelvin self.forceApplied = False self.loaded = False self.folder = "." self.forceNamesCA = {0 : "eletrostastic", 1 : "Non-Contacts", 2 : "Bonds", 3 : "Angles", 4 : "Dihedrals"} self.forceNamesAA = {0 : "eletrostastic", 1 : "Non-Contacts", 2 : "Bonds", 3 : "Angles", 4 : "Dihedrals", 5 : "Impropers"} self.forceCount = 0
[docs] def setup_openmm(self, platform='opencl', precision='single', GPUindex='default', integrator="langevin"): R"""Sets up the parameters of the simulation OpenMM platform. Args: platform (str, optional): Platform to use in the simulations. Opitions are *CUDA*, *OpenCL*, *HIP*, *CPU*, *Reference*. (Default value: :code:`OpenCL`). precision (str, optional): Numerical precision type of the simulation. Options are *single*, *mixed*, *double*. (Default value: :code:`single`). For details check the `OpenMM Documentation <>`__. GPUIndex (str, optional): Set of Platform device index IDs. Ex: 0,1,2 for the system to use the devices 0, 1 and 2. (Use only when GPU != default). integrator (str): Integrator to use in the simulations. Options are *langevin*, *variableLangevin*, *verlet*, *variableVerlet* and, *brownian*. (Default value: :code:`langevin`). """ precision = precision.lower() if precision not in ["mixed", "single", "double"]: raise ValueError("Precision must be mixed, single or double") properties = {} properties["Precision"] = precision if GPUindex.lower() != "default": properties["DeviceIndex"] = GPUindex = properties if platform.lower() == "opencl": platformObject = Platform.getPlatformByName('OpenCL') elif platform.lower() == "reference": platformObject = Platform.getPlatformByName('Reference') = {} elif platform.lower() == "cuda": platformObject = Platform.getPlatformByName('CUDA') elif platform.lower() == "cpu": platformObject = Platform.getPlatformByName('CPU') = {} elif platform.lower() == "hip": platformObject = Platform.getPlatformByName('HIP') else: self.exit("\n!!!! Unknown platform !!!!\n") self.platform = platformObject if integrator.lower() == "langevin": self.integrator = LangevinIntegrator(self.temperature, self.gamma, self.dt) self.integrator_type = integrator else: self.integrator = integrator self.integrator_type = "UserDefined" self.forceDict = {} self.forcesDict = {}
[docs] def saveFolder(self, folder): R"""Sets the folder path to save data. Args: folder (str, optional): Folder path to save the simulation data. If the folder path does not exist, the function will create the directory. """ if os.path.exists(folder) == False: os.mkdir(folder) self.folder = folder
[docs] def loadSystem(self, Grofile, Topfile, Xmlfile): R"""Loads the input files in the OpenMM system platform. The input files are generated using SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`. Details on how to create the files can be found in the `SMOG2 User Manual <>`__. A tutorial on how to generate the inputs files for default all-atom and C-alpha models can be found `here <>`__. Args: Grofile (file, required): Initial structure for the MD simulations in *.gro* file format generated by SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`. (Default value: :code:`None`). Topfile (file, required): Topology *.top* file format generated by SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`. The topology file lists the interactions between the system atoms except for the "Native Contacts" potential that is provided to OpenSMOG in a *.xml* file. (Default value: :code:`None`). Xmlfile (file, required): The *.xml* file that contains the all information that defines the "Contact" potential. The *.xml* file is generated by SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`, which support custom potential functions. (Default value: :code:`None`). """ def _checknames(f1,f2,f3): fn1 = os.path.basename(f1).rsplit('.', 1)[0] fn2 = os.path.basename(f2).rsplit('.', 1)[0] fn3 = os.path.basename(f3).rsplit('.', 1)[0] if fn1 == fn2 and fn1 ==fn3: return False else: return True if _checknames(Grofile, Topfile, Xmlfile): warnings.warn('The Gro, Top and Xml files have different prefixes. Most people use the same name, so this may be a mistake.') self.inputNames = [Grofile, Topfile, Xmlfile] self._check_file(Grofile, '.gro') self.loadGro(Grofile) self._check_file(Topfile, '.top') self.loadTop(Topfile) self._check_file(Xmlfile, '.xml') self.loadXml(Xmlfile) print("Files loaded in the system.")
def _check_file(self, filename, ext): if not (filename.lower().endswith(ext)): raise ValueError('Wrong file extension: {} must to be {} extension'.format(filename, ext))
[docs] def loadGro(self, Grofile): R"""Loads the *.gro* file format in the OpenMM system platform. The input files are generated using SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`. Details on how to create the files can be found in the `SMOG2 User Manual <>`__. A tutorial on how to generate the inputs files for the default all-atom and C-alpha models can be found `here <>`__. Args: Grofile (file, required): Initial structure for the MD simulations in *.gro* file format generated by SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`. (Default value: :code:`None`). """ self.Gro = GromacsGroFile(Grofile)
[docs] def loadTop(self, Topfile): R"""Loads the *.top* file format in the OpenMM system platform. The input files are generated using SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`. Details on how to create the files can be found in the `SMOG2 User Manual <>`__. A tutorial on how to generate the inputs files for the default all-atom and C-alpha models can be found `here <>`__. Args: Topfile (file, required): Topology *.top* file format generated by SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`. The topology file defines the interactions between atoms, except for the "Native Contacts" potential that is provided to OpenSMOG in the form of a *.xml* file. (Default value: :code:`None`). """ self.Top = GromacsTopFile(Topfile) self.system = self.Top.createSystem(nonbondedMethod=CutoffNonPeriodic,nonbondedCutoff=self.rcutoff) nforces = len(self.system.getForces()) for force_id, force in enumerate(self.system.getForces()): if nforces == 7: if force_id <=4: force.setForceGroup(force_id) self.forcesDict[self.forceNamesCA[force_id]] = force self.forceCount +=1 else: force.setForceGroup(30) elif nforces == 8: if force_id <=5: force.setForceGroup(force_id) self.forcesDict[self.forceNamesAA[force_id]] = force self.forceCount +=1 else: force.setForceGroup(30)
def _splitForces(self): n_forces = len([3]) forces = {} for n in range(n_forces): forces[[3][n]] = [[0][n],[1][n],[2][n]] self.contacts = forces def _customSmogForce(self, name, data): #first set the equation contacts_ff = CustomBondForce(data[0]) #second set the number of variable for pars in data[1]: contacts_ff.addPerBondParameter(pars) #third, apply the bonds from each pair of atoms and the related variables. pars = [pars for pars in data[1]] for iteraction in data[2]: atom_index_i = int(iteraction['i'])-1 atom_index_j = int(iteraction['j'])-1 parameters = [float(iteraction[k]) for k in pars] contacts_ff.addBond(atom_index_i, atom_index_j, parameters) self.forcesDict[name] = contacts_ff contacts_ff.setForceGroup(self.forceCount) self.forceCount +=1
[docs] def loadXml(self, Xmlfile): R"""Loads the *.xml* file format in the OpenMM system platform. The input files are generated using SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`. Details on how to create the files can be found in the `SMOG2 User Manual <>`__. A tutorial on how to generate the inputs files for default all-atom and C-alpha models can be found `here <>`__. Args: Xmlfile (file, required): The *.xml* file that contains all information that defines the "Contact" potentials. The *.xml* file is generated by SMOG2 software with the flag :code:`-OpenSMOG`, which support custom potential energy functions. (Default value: :code:`None`). """ def validate(Xmlfile): path = "share/OpenSMOG.xsd" pt = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filepath = os.path.join(pt,path) xmlschema_doc = etree.parse(filepath) xmlschema = etree.XMLSchema(xmlschema_doc) xml_doc = etree.parse(Xmlfile) result = xmlschema.validate(xml_doc) return result def import_xml2OpenSMOG(file_xml): XML_potential = ET.parse(file_xml) Expression = [] Parameters = [] Pairs = [] Force_Names= [] root = XML_potential.getroot() for i in range(len(root[0])): for name in root[0][i].iter('contacts_type'): Force_Names.append(name.attrib['name']) for expr in root[0][i].iter('expression'): Expression.append(expr.attrib['expr']) internal_Param=[] for par in root[0][i].iter('parameter'): internal_Param.append(par.text) Parameters.append(internal_Param) internal_Pairs=[] for atompairs in root[0][i].iter('interaction'): internal_Pairs.append(atompairs.attrib) Pairs.append(internal_Pairs) return Expression,Parameters,Pairs,Force_Names if not (self.forceApplied): if not validate(Xmlfile): raise ValueError("The xml file is not in the correct format") = import_xml2OpenSMOG(Xmlfile) self._splitForces() for force in self.contacts: print("creating force {:} from xml file".format(force)) self._customSmogForce(force, self.contacts[force]) self.system.addForce(self.forcesDict[force]) self.forceApplied = True else: print('\n Contacts forces already applied!!! \n')
[docs] def createSimulation(self): R"""Creates the simulation context and loads into the OpenMM platform. """ if not self.loaded: self.simulation = Simulation(self.Top.topology, self.system, self.integrator, self.platform, self.simulation.context.setPositions(self.Gro.positions) self.simulation.context.setVelocitiesToTemperature(self.temperature) self.loaded = True else: print('\n Simulations context already created! \n')
def _checkFile(self,filename): if os.path.isfile(filename): i = 1 ck = True while i <= 10 and ck: newname = filename + "_" + str(i) if not os.path.isfile(newname): print("{:} already exists. Backing up to {:}".format(filename,newname)) os.rename(filename, newname) ck = False else: i += 1
[docs] def createReporters(self, trajectory=True, trajectoryName=None, energies=True, energiesName=None, energy_components=False, energy_componentsName=None, interval=1000): R"""Creates the reporters to provide the output data. Args: trajectory (bool, optional): Whether to save the trajectory *.dcd* file containing the position of the atoms as a function of time. (Default value: :code:`True`). energies (bool, optional): Whether to save the energies in a *.txt* file containing five columns, comma-delimited. The header of the files shows the information of each collum: #"Step","Potential Energy (kJ/mole)","Kinetic Energy (kJ/mole)","Total Energy (kJ/mole)","Temperature (K)". (Default value: :code:`True`). forces (bool, optional): Whether to save the potential energy for each applied force in a *.txt* file containing several columns, comma-delimited. The header of the files shows the information of each column. An example of the header is: #"Step","eletrostastic","Non-Contacts","Bonds","Angles","Dihedrals","contact_1-10-12". (Default value: :code:`False`). interval (int, required): Frequency to write the data to the output files. (Default value: :code:`10**3`) """ self.outputNames = [] if trajectory: if trajectoryName is None: dcdfile = os.path.join(self.folder, + '_trajectory.dcd') else: dcdfile = os.path.join(self.folder, trajectoryName + ".dcd") self._checkFile(dcdfile) self.outputNames.append(dcdfile) self.simulation.reporters.append(DCDReporter(dcdfile, interval)) if energies: if energiesName is None: energyfile = os.path.join(self.folder, '_energies.txt') else: energyfile = os.path.join(self.folder, energiesName + ".txt") self._checkFile(energyfile) self.outputNames.append(energyfile) self.simulation.reporters.append(StateDataReporter(energyfile, interval, step=True, potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, totalEnergy=True,temperature=True, separator=",")) if energy_components: if energy_componentsName is None: forcefile = os.path.join(self.folder, + '_forces.txt') else: forcefile = os.path.join(self.folder, energy_componentsName + '.txt') self._checkFile(forcefile) self.outputNames.append(forcefile) self.simulation.reporters.append(forcesReporter(forcefile, interval, self.forcesDict, step=True))
[docs] def run(self, nsteps, report=True, interval=10**4): R"""Run the molecular dynamics simulation. Args: nsteps (int, required): Number of steps to be performed in the simulation. (Default value: :code:`10**7`) report (bool, optional): Whether to print the simulation progress. (Default value: :code:`True`). interval (int, required): Frequency to print the simulation progress. (Default value: :code:`10**4`) """ if report: self.simulation.reporters.append(StateDataReporter(sys.stdout, interval, step=True, remainingTime=True, progress=True, totalSteps=nsteps, separator="\t")) self._createLogfile() self.simulation.step(nsteps)
def _createLogfile(self): import platform import datetime logFilename = os.path.join(self.folder, 'OpenSMOG.log') self._checkFile(logFilename) self.outputNames.append(logFilename) with open(logFilename, 'w') as f: ori = sys.stdout sys.stdout = f self.printHeader() sys.stdout = ori #system_information f.write('\nSystem Information:\n') f.write('-------------------\n') f.write('Date and time: {:}\n'.format( f.write('Machine information: {:} : {:}, {:} : {:}\n'.format("System", platform.uname().system, "Version", platform.uname().version)) f.write('Platform: {:}\n'.format(self.platform.getName())) if (self.platform.getName() in ["CUDA", "OpenCL", "HIP"]): f.write('Precision: {:}\n'.format(['Precision'])) f.write('Integrator: {:}\n'.format(self.integrator_type)) f.write('Savefolder: {:}\n'.format(self.folder)) f.write('\nSimulation Information:\n') f.write('-----------------------\n') f.write('Name: {:}\n'.format( f.write('Time step: {:}\n'.format(self.dt/picoseconds)) f.write('Collision Rate: {:}\n'.format(self.gamma*picosecond)) f.write('r_Cutoff: {:}\n'.format(self.rcutoff/nanometers)) f.write('Temperature: {:}\n'.format(self.temperature * 0.008314/kelvin)) f.write('\nInput Files:\n') f.write('------------\n') f.write('GroFile: {:}\n'.format(self.inputNames[0])) f.write('TopFile: {:}\n'.format(self.inputNames[1])) f.write('XmlFile: {:}\n'.format(self.inputNames[2])) f.write('\nOutput Files:\n') f.write('-------------\n') for n in self.outputNames: f.write(n+"\n") sys.stdout = ori
[docs] def printHeader(self): print('{:^96s}'.format("****************************************************************************************")) print('{:^96s}'.format("**** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** OpenSMOG-1.0.4 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****")) print('') print('{:^96s}'.format("The OpenSMOG classes perform molecular dynamics simulations using")) print('{:^96s}'.format("Structure-Based Models (SBM) for biomolecular systems,")) print('{:^96s}'.format("and it allows for the simulation of a wide variety of potential forms.")) print('{:^96s}'.format("OpenSMOG uses force field files generated by SMOG 2.")) print('{:^96s}'.format("OpenSMOG documentation is available at")) print('') print('{:^96s}'.format("OpenSMOG is described in: Oliveira and Contessoto et al,")) print('{:^96s}'.format("SMOG 2 and OpenSMOG: Extending the limits of structure-based models.")) print('{:^96s}'.format("bioRxiv, DOI:10.1101/2021.08.15.456423.")) print('') print('{:^96s}'.format("This package is the product of contributions from a number of people, including:")) print('{:^96s}'.format("Jeffrey Noel, Mariana Levi, Antonio Oliveira, Vinícius Contessoto,")) print('{:^96s}'.format("Mohit Raghunathan, Joyce Yang, Prasad Bandarkar, Udayan Mohanty,")) print('{:^96s}'.format("Ailun Wang, Heiko Lammert, Ryan Hayes")) print('{:^96s}'.format("Jose Onuchic & Paul Whitford")) print('') print('{:^96s}'.format("Copyright (c) 2021, The SMOG development team at")) print('{:^96s}'.format("Rice University and Northeastern University")) print('{:^96s}'.format("****************************************************************************************")) sys.stdout.flush()